Experience the wild world around us.
In today's world we find ourselves wrapped up in our fast paced and busy day to day schedule's never really stopping to take in the simple and beautiful things that nature has laid out all around us. We find ourselves stuck in traffic, swamped with paper work totally surrounded by a concrete jungle and man made materials, this can have a huge negative influence on out mental and physical well being.
By spending just as little as an hour in nature every other day or even once a week if that's all you can manage can hugely improve our outlook in our daily life. This is where Twin Beard Trails can help. My workshops are designed to help you soak in mother nature's love in a relaxed and fun environment, helping you to increase your nature observation and to recognise the signs nature is showing you in everyday life, helping to reconnect with the nature lover inside us all.

The workshops I deliver are designed for people of all walks of life, from corporate groups, to schools, to the lone individual looking to meet like minded people. All our workshops are delivered in a fun and relaxed environment to help build upon a love for nature and the outdoors no matter the level of experience the person or persons are at.
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5 hr
100 eurosLoading days...
6 hr
90 eurosLoading days...
2 hr
30 eurosLoading days...
2 hr
50 euros